Is it too much to ask for?

-I want someone who will watch movies with me. Like (500 days Of Summer, the Notebook,) but not just romance, but scary ones too like (Texas Chainsaw Massacre, or The Saw films.)
-I want someone who will cuddle with me and drink hot chocolate (or coffee or tea) whatever they prefer.
-I want someone who I can send long texts to about how much they mean to me, someone -I can call at 3am when I have nothing else to do.
-Someone I can call mine.
-I want someone who will talk about our hopes and dreams. What we want to do.
-Anyone who will lay out underneath the stars with me and watch as the night passes us by.
-I want someone who I can tell my fears to and they tell me theirs, and we help each other get over some of them.
-Someone who will argue about who loves who more, even though we love each other equally.
-I want someone I can hold hands with
-Someone who will take cute pictures with
-an inseparable bestfriend couple
-I want someone I can have late night phone calls with
-I want someone who will go on adventures with me, anywhere. Even if it’s just walking down the street or going to the store. (anything would be an adventure for us)
-I want someone who will be weird, dorky, and sometimes a bit crazy with me
-Someone who will kid books with me (especially Dr. Suess)
-Someone I can make smile, because they will make me smile
-Someone who will laugh with me.
-I want someone I can tell my secrets to, knowing they won’t tell anyone.
-Someone who loves music just as much as I do. Even if it’s different types
-Someone who will sing with me, even though I may sound terrible at times.
-I want someone I can text in the middle of the day just to tell them that I’m thinking about them.
- I want someone who has some different likes and dislikes as me, but always open to try something new.
April 5th, 2012 at 04:49am