Time travel would be nice

I'd love to go back in time once. Not really far back, just as far as last year. Back then, my friends weren't all depressed. Everything was normal. We were happy and good friends. We didn't all hate each other. We didn't say bad things about each other behind our backs. We weren't always crying over the smallest things. Back then, you could say what you wanted, without fear of upsetting someone else, or criticism. It was a time of smiles, of friendship. We were true friends. We all loved each other and stood up for one another. These days, it seems we couldn't care less. It's as though we just don't give a crap about each other. It's like we don't matter. To some people in the group, they matter even less than everyone else, which is terrible. I'd kill to see their smiles for long periods of time. Not tears, not frowns, not grimaces. Just pure smiles. Just how things used to be. Remember that, guys? We were friends. We were friendly. We loved each other. I don't want to be alone. I'm always left by my friends. But you guys, you guys are different. I NEED you. However, for us to be together, we can't always be at each others' throats. Doesn't that make sense? Gosh, I miss the old us. Don't give me that "We were always like this" or "Nothing's changed" or "I'm too depressed" crap. If anyone of you are reading this, you'll probably pay me out for it, or I get mad. But, you know what? I don't care. Because if reading this will make you think about how different we've become, then maybe, just maybe, we can find a solution. And I'm sure, deep down, you guys agree. We have changed. But we're friends and we can get through this. Just smile.
April 5th, 2012 at 10:32am