Don't open this x(

Here is me, rambling about whats deep within my mind because no one wants to hear it.

I am a hypocrite! D: I always tell people to just get their secrets out and share them. Sure, we all have secrets to ourselves but the petty ones you should just get out there. Enter Me Being A Hypocrite:

I have a secret that I can't tell anyone. It's pretty stupid, it's just that I like this dude. But I don't LIKE him like ohhhh lets make some babies, it's just sort of like. I don't know, I get butterflies in my stomach, and smile like a freaking IDIOT when talking to him. And I always get too hyper >:( Then reading back on the conversation later I'm like "Dayum Cassey, no wonder he won't like you!"

It's HORRIBLEEEEE x( I want to tell him, but there are so many reasons why I shouldn't. There's so many things getting in my way going like "Beep beep don't tell him. Bad idea, beep beep" but I want too. Like I barely know the guy!

What's worse is he's on here, and he's one of my best friends. A part of me hopes he doesn't know I'm talking about him, or better yet, even read this. The other part yearns for him to get the hints, put the puzzle together. I was to just tell him

Then again, I'm chicken shit, so the only way I can get close to telling him is by writing this. Gosh Golly Darn, I'm pathetic.
April 15th, 2012 at 08:49pm