A Warning

After what just happened to me I feel the need to warn others. Because I feel shitty now. So, mibba crashed today. Yeah great. It also deleted my new story. Yeah. Thankfully I had the first two chapters saved on my notes on my iPod, but now the epilogue is gone. So, a warning. Always, always have a back-up of your story somewhere. Always. Now, If you excuse me, I have to go and try to rewrite the epilogue. Oh! While we're on the subject! I suggest you write your chapters somewhere else (like on microsoft) and then upload them on here, because I've gone on mibba and written my chapter on here many times only for it to have logged me out due to no activity and when I submit it brings me back to my login and my entire chapter is lost! There might be a 'draft section' somewhere that I haven't found yet, but until then, always write somewhere else and do back-ups. Learn from my mistakes.
April 15th, 2012 at 09:52pm