I don't know what I'm doing.

Hi, so I'm Jeremy Yoon. Don't add me on Facebook, I'm too fabulous for you. (Lol, plus, it's incognito. You won't find me. But feel free to try. Message me if you found me.)

I'm seventeen & I am the cousin of roxannesong. I'm just stalking her right now, making sure she isn't writing the nasty on here without the fams knowing. Whatta lil' perv. Lol. So, yeah. This profile is a way to check up on her & a needed venting outlet. So uhhhhh, don't friend request me unless you want to, I guess.

~`''**I can be the Queen of Drama~**`''

Alright. Peace mothaz.

About Jermz.
Name: Jeremy Alexander Yoon.
Nickname: Jay(Initials, baby.) &/or Jermz.
Age: Seventeen.
Location: Just chillin' with my gorilla buddies in the Amazon forest, yolo.
Sex: Male.
Tumblr: No. Find me.
Twitter: No. Find me.
FB: Lol try again.
Race/Ethnicity: Korean.

Okay, bye.
April 15th, 2012 at 11:55pm