Depression and Bullying

Well I am trying to get a piece of writing of mine around to different schools. I have been bullied for a long time for the way I dress and I look, so me and some friends wrote papers on being against bullying. Here is mine:

Have you ever been hurt physically or by words? If you have, then you understand what thousands of teens go through each and every day. Teens in schools are bullied every day! Over 1,000 teens attempt suicide EVERY DAY, and 100 of them actually succeed at it. That's 100 teens that die every day because they feel their lives are unimportant, and they feel insignificant and think death is better than this.

You may make jokes about someone, but watch what you say. Even if you are just joking around, the comments can hurt. Just one nice remark could save a life!

Let's think this way: That girl you called slut, she was raped. That boy you called faggot, is abused and harassed at home for his sexuality! That kid you called cutter, is beaten by his/her parents and thinks about suicide every day of his/her life!! You don't know what someone goes through out of school, so be careful what you say! Let's also look at this true fact: If you call someone pretty, they will remember it for a short moment. If you call someone ugly, they will remember it forever!!!!

There are kids who cut different parts of their body, because of the pain caused through bullying. I am a cutter myself, and it's because its a pain I can control that numbs the other pains for a short minute. If I can forget the other pain for just one second its worth it!

Some kids will turn to drugs and alcohol to numb their pain. Some kids get addicted to drugs, continue to cut, and have thoughts of suicide every day! Some actually attempt and succeed at these suicidal thoughts. What if this were you? Would you like to be bullied to the point of thinking death was better than what you have to look forward too?

"The ones who commit suicide are not the cowards, it is those who make someone feel bad enough to end their life that are the cowards!" -Ashley Purdy

So save a life, don't bully. Tell those who are troubled something nice to brighten up their day! Anyone can help keep a life in this world, and anyone can take one out. Which one will you do? Keep one here or take one away? One comment could end, or could save a life!
April 16th, 2012 at 11:38pm