Who needs life when you have heroin?

I love Trainspotting. I watched it for the first time in ages and god, it's probably the best film made in Scotland. You can't tell that Sick Boy is being played by an English bloke either.

It is weird though seeing Yaxley from Harry Potter and Obi-Wan Kenobi do smack together though. Oh well.


Anyway, do have of you guys play SKYRIM?

I'm seriously addicted. Although I have lost one of my followers because of this bloody Companions quest thing so I am annoyed because I gave him some strong-ass Dwarven armour.

Oh well, I'll get a new one soon.

I love being Dovakiin.


So, err...questions!

1. Does the term Diamond Sword mean anything to you?
2. Do you think humans will ever leave this planet permanently?
3. Could there be any way to make Brian Blessed King of the UK?
April 17th, 2012 at 12:06am