I'm Going to Try One of Those... Comment Swap Things.

So is this like a drug deal or something? THAT IS ILLEGAL ACTIVITY CHILDREN. I don't exactly get it. I did one before but the person completely flunked out and I was like: "Oh, cool, is that how these things work. No trust or anything whatsoever involved here."

So do you just... comment on each other's story? I think... yeah. Um, I'm a nincompoop when it comes to these comment swaps. They're foreign grounds to me.

So here is the list of stories that I'll, um, swap with?

The User's Guide to Suicide
Rating: NC-17
Short Sum: The ability and knowledge to be able to decide your own fate can be tempting to those with demented minds.
Activity: 3 Chapters.

Rating: R
Short Sum: Shadow died on the same day that Remy went into an unexplained coma. When Remy awakes he starts to have strange memories--which are not his own. Sal is obsessed with death, perhaps he can explain what's going on.
Activity: Not Started.

Rating: R
Short Sum: Day, a small boy living in a big city, absolutely loves night time more than anything in his life. He sleeps as much as he can- during the day, but is fully awake at night. Too bad the world can't cope with his unusual sleeping habits.
Activity: Not Started.

These are Hard Times for Dreamers Like Us
Rating: NC-17
Short Sum: Jo has had a difficult path on life since the day of his birth and has had to deal with many things teenagers his age haven't even had a taste of. Milo is the a-shole next door who tries to make everyone's life a little bit harder.
Activity: Not started, about to be launched.

So yeah, reference me to your story and let's uh, do this thing?BLANK WITH A CAPITAL Bquoting Axel forever.
April 17th, 2012 at 05:07am