The protagonist or the best friend?

The other day my mother was watching a movie, and I was beside her, on my laptop, 80% focused on the computer, 20% on the TV. But then I heard this great quote (I'm a quote freak. I absolutely love 'em.) that actually made me peel my eyes away from Facebook (Yes, also a little addicted to Facebook, but just a little.). An elderly man told Kate Winslet to stop being the best friend and become the protagonist of her life. It got me thinking, am I the protagonist or the best friend? Sure, I have my moments of pride with achievements and whatnot, but sometimes I do feel like a shadow when I'm around my sisters. They are both beautiful and outgoing and I fade into the background as their bubbly personalities enchant everyone. I don't want to sound all whiny or like I'm antisocial, but I do feel a little bit overshadowed sometimes. And I think how I always give up the spotlight so someone else that clearly needs or wants it more can have it. Maybe I shouldn't, but I would feel selfish and embarrassed of being the center of attention. I suppose that's what being the protagonist of your life means, being a little bit selfish, which isn't a bad thing, because to some extent we're all selfish. I mean, we have to look out for ourselves, right?
I don't know if I want to be "the best friend" because I really like being it, or because it's so much easier. Maybe it's cowardly? It seems I'm either stuck being selfish or cowardly. I'll try to be neither...
Do you feel like the best friend or the protagonist?
April 17th, 2012 at 10:35pm