A letter from my Grandfather to my Grandmother during WWII

October 3rd, 1944 9:30 PM
Dearest Darling,

Just a few lines to let you know I am in the very best of health and hope this letter finds you very much the same. I received your letter of September 25th, and believe me. I was more than happy to hear from you again. It has been the first letter I have received from you in two weeks. I can really say that I had missed hearing from you very much. I thought you had forgot about me. Honey, when I received your letter, I was more than happy. I never expected to hear such swell things from you. Well honey, now I will try to answer your letter the very best of my ability. Here goes. Sweetheart, I haven’t as yet received your picture. Maybe I will receive it tomorrow. I hope to at least. Darling, you have been my pin-up girl from the very first picture you sent me. What do you think about that? Do you really mean to say it is getting cold back home already? True, we don’t wear very much clothes where I am. What did you think of the animal in the picture I sent you? Yes, they are harmful. They way you said “I don’t want anything to happen to you”. I believe you are in love with me. How about that? Did you enjoy “Step Lively”? I saw it and enjoyed it very much. Honey, to be honest with you, I don’t care for Sinatra. Why do you like him? Yes. I do like long hair. Don’t cut yours. If you do I will be angry with you. Thanks for the compliment, but I do not really deserve it. I’m just an ordinary guy trying to make his girl happy and hope he can accomplish in doing so. Give my regards to the family.

All my love, Tommy.
April 18th, 2012 at 02:37am