Turning over a new leaf.

I've been having a really hard time recently. I've been having some very bad days. Like yesterday. I woke up and straight away I had an argument with with my boyfriend, It was raining and I had to walk two miles and get a train, All the trains were delayed, So I was late for my college interview, and when I got to the college I had to sit in a room with ten other girls who weren't talking at all for two hours straight to be interviewed. When I finally was interviewed I got told that I don't have the qualifications to do the course I wanted and to get the job I want to do I'll have to do an extra two years at college, I didn't have money so I had to try and not get caught but the ticket man fallowed me up the train and practically shouted at me for not having money. When I got of the train I was just so upset. I'm a smoker and I had been up since 6 o'clock and I hadn't had a cigarette all day. I had to walk two miles again to my house and when I finally got back home. I realised that I had missed my tattoo appointment. So when I was in my room I just started crying my eyes out.

I was so upset. It was just a horrible day for me. But I have been thinking allot about it. I mean I'm 16 years old. By the time I've finished the four years of college I'll only be 21. The I can go onto the job I want to do. So although I was upset and everything I really don't need to be. I'm living with my boyfriend and I'm very happy with him. I have and unconditional placement in college, I mean although I'm not in the course that I want to be in but its only two years extra and I know I will learn allot from the extra years. I live very close to the college. My boyfriend is also starting the same college as me in August and I have a few girlfriends that are already at that college. I'll only be doing 2 and a half days a week but that will give me more time to study and just chill out with my friends. So although I was very upset yesterday because it was a bad day. I've thought about it allot now and realised that although it was bad it's allot better now. And I'm allot happier. I know this was really random but I love writing allot so I thought it would help me to write it all down on here. Basicly I learned that just because its bad sometimes it's not bad all the time. Angel :) <3 xxxxxxxxx
April 18th, 2012 at 02:50pm