Duck Dynasty + Unicorns + Prom

Duck Dynasty.

If you have not watched at least one episode of this show, you are missing out on life. Like literally, it's a bunch of millionaire rednecks. What more do you want from life? It's hysterical. So funny. And I don't know if they even realize how funny they're being, but they just are. Like this one episode they went to go frog hunting, which is cool and whatever.

The only problem is they went to a golf course.

And then they get arrested because you know frog hunting's all fine and dandy but not at a golf coursing. It's called trespassing. But the only one that didn't get arrested was the dad because he had separated from the group, so the next morning they're driving home from the jail and they drive past the dad walking on the highway with a bag of frogs xD

Ugh, it kills me inside. Too funny.

^See for yourself.

The really funny thing is that they're rich because they sell these duck calls for hunters that attract ducks, but they make them and test them all by hand. It's like six guys sitting in a basement making these bird call things.

At the same time it's not so funny though because these guys made it big handmaking these stupid bird call things and then like people a billion times smarter who will never make a million dollars.

Oh the irony.


So the other day I was sitting in chem class and we were talking about something, I can't really remember what, but it became this thing about how the prefix uni means one and like bi means two, when all of a sudden some kid was like,

"Like unicorns!"

And I was just sitting there thinking...why are they called unicorns? Like really, unicorn? Shouldn't it be unihorn? I mean, they have one horn, not one corn...

I don't understand.


Prom is in less than a month.

I still don't have: a hair style, my dress fitted, make-up choice, make-up appointment, nail appointment, or most importantly, a freaking date.

And yeah whatever people keep telling me that I'll have more fun flying solo or whatever, but they all have f*cking dates. It's easy to say that when you're all taken care of. So shut up. For realz.


Blech. Honestly, I think I must have like a natural odor that only guys can smell that screams to them, "BE FRIENDS WITH ME BUT DON'T ASK ME TO PROM."




Questions because I'm bored and i just really want to know why unicorns are called unicorns:

1. Why are they named unicorns????
2. Ever seen Duck Dynasty?
3. Are you going to prom?
April 19th, 2012 at 02:42am