This is NOT Depression!

I went to the doctor with a huge list of problems that have been going on with me. I told him that I have severe headaches (I normally have bad headaches, but not this severe. I couldn't even come out of my room two days ago because light and sound made it 10x worse). I also feel like I am becoming less intelligent. I normally have a very good memory, but lately I have been forgetting lots of things like names and words I've known how to spell for years (all I can say is that god for spell check right now). Although the memory loss isn't severe, I'm worried because for one, I usually remember things and two, it's been getting worse. I've also been very clumsy and uncoordinated, bumping into things a lot, stumbling over my own two feet. I can't even play songs on rock band I usually pass with flying colors. I screw up on my speech a lot, which is normally when I don't take my ADD medicine. But, I take it everyday and it's different because I stumble on my words with my ADD because I think so fast and want to get my words out quick. That is not the case with this problem. Unlike with my ADD, I will be speaking slow and words with come out pronounced wrong, and a lot of the time I can't think of the word I want to say. I am normally a very good speaker (even with the ADD I wouldn't mess up too much.) So hopefully you can see why this would upset me. 

At random, I will have a hard time breathing and need to yawn to get enough air in my lungs, but this doesn't always work the first (or 2, 3, 4, or 5) times. I don't know if it's from having a hard time breathing, but I will become very dizzy and don't want to move because I think I'll probably fall. My ears often feel like they're full of something (like pressure or something), they hurt, and they ring a lot. I clean out my ears everyday so that's not the problem. I also have no energy. I have to make myself do the simplest things like go to the bathroom, get a drink, and eat. I have lost 6 pounds in only 4 or 5 days.

After telling all of that to the nurse, she wrote it down and when the doctor came in he said straight off the bat that I'm depressed. No tests, nothing! My mom had to demand I get blood-work done. And I even told him that I know for a fact I'm not depressed! Just because I was before he brushes everything off as depression. I can't stand it.

Before, when I was depressed, I gained a ton of weight, not lost any! I also cried all the time, over the littlest things, and was quick to anger. I still have some problems with anger
(as I come from a quick-tempered family) but I have learned to control it for the most part. Also when I was depressed, I smoked cigs, drank, and did drugs (the only thing I still do is smoke cigarettes, as it is a hard thing to quit once you're addicted.)

This has been the happiest year I've had, discounting when I was a child. I know I am not depressed!

Doctors are supposed to actually help people, are they not?
April 19th, 2012 at 04:08pm