Hospital Stay 4-17-12 to 4-19-12

I am so glad to be home. My husband took me to the hospital Tuesday night around midnight because I kept vomiting and had a little bit of the runs. Anywho, after doing test and stuff on me, they said the baby was fine and that I was having small contractions. However, my cerivx was closed so that told me the baby wasn't ready to come yet. I'm only 28 weeks pregnant. Anywho, they finally gave me some naseau medicine in my IV to keep me from being sick and that helped out alot. Well, they decided to keep me over night to check out me. They also told me I had low potassum and was dehydrated. They ended up putting me on a liquid diet all day Wednesday with nothing but soup broth, jello and juice. I got so tired of eating the broth. Hospitials are not very comfortable to sleep in. Then they decided to keep me over night for one more night for observation to see how I was doing. Well, today is Thursday and I finally got to come home from the hospital. I'm so happy. I get to sleep in my own comfortable bed and tomorrow I can slowly start to eat some solid foods. I gotta go get my prescription picked up from Wal-Mart though. Now if Arianna would stay out my ribs. Ughhh.
April 19th, 2012 at 08:59pm