A little bit of nothing...

How are all of you? Well, Mibba fudged up a little bit and my stories got taken down. I've re-read them and I'm not sure if I can put them back up. I don't know, I mean, when they were up there no one commented other than Miki, whom everyone knows is the best thing since My Chemical Romance's album 'Danger Days'. Speaking of, I feel like I should say how long I've been a fan of their stuff. Like, I turned thirteen, like a month ago (March26th) and I started listening since, hmmm, 2010? But only one song, SING. I had heard it on this t.v. radio thing and that one song would come on and it sounded so good. I never paid attention to the band itself, other than noting that it was an awesome band name and that they sounded familiar. Then I got into 30 Seconds to Mars and there in the suggestion box, was Welcome to the Black Parade. I clicked on it because the name sounded familiar. Instantly, I fell in love. Now, everyone and their grandma's got a story of how MCR saved their life. For me, not really. More like, I was going a bit insane, depressed and thought no one could understand me. I had thoughts of suicide but never acted on them. I think, though, if I hadn't started listening to them when I did, I might have done something I probably would've regret. My biggest fudge-up, is getting into them late. LIke, yes, there is supposed to be another album, but what about after that? They're in their thirty's, all have families and other lives. They can't always be hero's. So, yeah. You know what's funny? My favorite song off of Danger Days is also my least liked. It's The Kids From Yesterday. It's because, well, to me, the song is such a good-bye song. I hear it and want to cry. If I don't listen to the lyrics, then I'll be okay. But, the thing is, their right. I hear the music when my heart begins to break. I do wanna live forever in the lights I make.
Does this happen to anyone else? I started listening to this band because, not only did they have great sound and lyrics: they knew.
They know hat it's like. So, I realize, it's not really the good-bye sound I hear from this song. It's also because, I'm terrified. I'm terrified that somehow these four men, men whom I've never met nor (probably) will, know some much about me. They know, and I'm so scared I might piss my pants. Another song that really gets me is 'Disenchanted'. I love the guitar in the beggining, it's also (once again) the lyrics. This song doesn't terrify me as much, but, this is the song I want to hear as I die. 'I hat the ending myself, but it started with an alright scene'. That's the most memorable one for me. It fits perfectly.

So, I've bared my soul to you. I would love to read about which song touches you the most. In fact, here's one last thing: I don't feel loved. Not for the right reasons anyway. It hits me, out of the blue 'No one loves you for you' and I admit it. Exactly two people on this earth know me. Brittany and Ashyln. I don't think they realize how much I love them. But, still, it hits and I feel like dying,so.
Please remember. It doesn't matter what skin color, hair color, eye color, height, weight or personality you've got; I absolutely adore you. I know i'm not pretty at all, and I feel as if alot of people feel that way, when, in all reality, you're beautiful. So, if you're feeling out of it, please don't do anything drastic, because even if we've never met, I'd feel it. I swear I would and I would hurt right along with.
So, yeah, I'm not pretty, I'm not that smart, and people say I need to shut-up. It doesn't matter because, right now, in my depressed mood, I'm living for YOU. Remember that. I'm not famous, I probably won't be. It doesn't matter.
I love you.
Raven B.
April 19th, 2012 at 11:35pm