
I saw my dad the other day. He looked like he did a few years ago, black hair, blue eyes, in his work cloths. He was standing there with his arms open wide, waiting for me to hug him. He was smiling like he always did. I tried to run to him, but couldn't. My legs felt heave, like two metal pipes weighing me down. The smile slowly faded from his face when he realized I could not move. He stood there with a lost look on his face. I did not know what was going on.

Now here is where my story takes a twist. My father passed away almost two years ago. I'll never forget that day. The day my uncle came up to my summer house and took my aunt and grandma on the porch. He told them something, I didn't know what he told them but I knew it was bad. It was a scilent 3 hour ride home. August 2010 was hard for me. I was 13 going into 8th grade with no father.

The last words my dad ever said to me (beside I love you) were 'take care of your mom and sister if anything ever happens.' I told him that I would, like I did every night. 'Haley I mean it. Promise." he said. 'I promise. No matter what happens I'll take care of mommy and jord.' I said.

I still try my best to keep that promise. It's hard at times but because of it I have a strong relationship with my mom and sister. I never really told anyone about that promise. I always kept it a secret. Afraid to tell anyone.

I miss my dad a lot. I cherish the time I had with him. I have a lot in common with him. Every one tells me that I am my dad, that I remind them of him.

I love you very much daddy.
April 20th, 2012 at 01:08am