Lost in a Unique Creation

Most people will think of a dream as something that comes to you at night, but it can be so much more. Reality can suck the life from dreams and pull into it the fears and wallows of the real world. Everyone knows that shivering moment when they have woken from a nightmare in the middle of the night. After a while these dreams can slowly twist their way into a dreamer’s life; every little thing sets off a trigger in the brain that will remind him (or her) of a nightmare or a fantasy that just isn’t meant to be. However, the origin of these unique thoughts paired with unseen images may just be the real world; a place where no one believes in ‘happy ever after’ anymore and experiences spark up fears into the mysterious chambers of the brain.

Imagine if everything that meant something to someone in the world was stripped away, there would not be anything left for the future generations. For example, that old time saying, “One man’s trash, is another man’s beauty,” is still applied to today’s world. So if everyone was to give away something they cared about all of the evil might leave this world, but so would the good. To avoid these problematic implications in consciousness woman and man alike have resorted to dreams where their troubles take over. It is an entirely separate world that resembles an altered reality, but it is not so different as to avoid connections that will spark the interest of a dreamer. Without falling “off the deep end” a dream expresses peoples’ worst fears and farthest hopes and will pull them, an eager soul, into an imprisoned universe that does not allow for straight thinking or room to turn around.
April 20th, 2012 at 02:30am