you're my everything & other ramblings

So, after a tearful and angry night last night, I'm deciding to make a journal about a wonderful and gifted person called Colton Dixon. I'm not a huge fan of American Idol, but I am when I hear someone who has a unique voice. He had auditioned last year, but didn't make it, so when I heard him this year along side his sister, I was thrilled. I know he didn't want to audition (and yes, when I think about it, I feel bad for his sister who was basically overlooked by the judges), but I'm so happy he did.

I knew he would make it far into the competition, I really did, and I hope he would be in the finale, but last night I was shocked to find out that he was voted off of the show. I do believe it was on purpose considering Colton has a very large and solid fanbase, but seeing as it was done and over with, I was so happy that he sang to the Lord on his way out. He's very brave, especially since he basically told the producers to buzz off when they mentioned to tone down his religious tones in his performances.

Media has some kind of fear about dealing with religious people/characters, but that's another topic for another time.

To get back on the subject though, God does have a plan for him, for it says in the Bible that He has a plan for us all. I trust that He will guide Colton in the right direction and show him that it's about spreading His word, not about some popularity contest.

I'll be waiting to hear him on K-LOVE. He has such a magnificent journey ahead of him, I'm happy for him, I really am.


Tree Song is my new paranormal original fiction about an introvert who gets himself tangled with a reaper who isn't all that mentally stable.

It's on one chapter so far, but I'm looking forward to updating it soon. It would mean a lot if any of you checked it out and told me what you think of it so far.

I hope you guys have a nice day!
- Tasha
April 20th, 2012 at 05:02pm