It should take around 6-8 hours

Those were the words of my boss yesturday. I have to take an online saftey test or something along them lines before Monday so I can actually start training. I really hope it doesn't take that long because it is so nice outside today and I was thinking about updating my story. Oh well, I guess that is just more drive for me to complete/ start this test. Once I finish it and I go into work I get a $50 gift card for my work, so I can get free food basically and who doesn't like free food?

The orientation went well yesturday. I actually got my time card and learned how to time in and time out of my shifts, it's pretty straight forward. Monday is my first day of training, I train until Thursday then the new shift schedual should be up. I'm excited to start work and even more excited because I'm being trained full time and I will still have time for myself after work. the one thing I am not looking forward to is waking up at 5:30am to get ready for work. i like to wake up a decent hour so I don't sleep the day away, but I'm sure I will get used to waking up so early eventually.

I should really get this test started soon. I had all intentions on starting it earlier today, but I am such a procrastinator.

1. Do you ever get worked up even though you know you shouldn't?
2. What would your dream job be?
3. What animal would you be? ( mystical creature, sea creature, insect etc.)
4. What would you do if you won the lottery?
5. Any weekend plans?

Happy Friday!!! :D

April 20th, 2012 at 05:23pm