Should I have called the cops? Beggars can't be choosers. [i want your opinion]

I was followed today for a good 15 miles by some lady in a silver truck. We both made a traffic mistake, so she decided that it was all my fault. It wasn’t. Trust me, if it were, I would own up to it, but it was only half my fault.
Anyway she kept speeding up beside me and flipping me off, and the passenger rolled down her window and stuck her soda out of the window like she was going to throw it at me, but a hand from the back grabbed her hand. She also kept getting in front of me and doing 20 miles under the speed limit, and getting behind me and tailgating me really bad.

I called my dad to ask what to do, and he asked if she could see my phone, I said yes, so he said to show her the phone and mouth “police”(I was not actually on the phone with the police, I was still talking to my dad) so I did and I could see her say “Oh Sh*t” Then I got off the highway very abruptly, and without a signal, so they couldn’t follow me. (Dangerous, I know, but I was scared of what they would have done if they followed me all the way to Uni.)

So, my question is; Did I have a right to call the police? I was honestly scared of what they would do if I hadn’t gotten off the highway so abruptly.

Also, people in my town just kill me. They are all looking for free things, no matter how much it costs for the person providing it. I just saw like 6 ads saying ‘please help!’ I’m okay with these if they are reasonable requests, like clothing, food, baby supplies, or even furniture. What I’m not okay with is people asking for free things like ATVs. I just literally saw an ad asking for 6 free ATVs. The ad went something like this “Looking for 6 free 4-wheelers for my family. We cannot afford to pay anything. I will come up to 100 miles to pick them up, MUST BE RUNNING. I DO NOT WANT BROKEN 4-WHEELERS.”

Seriously? You’re asking people to give you 6 free ATVs that can cost in upwards of 15,000? That’s ridiculous. If you cannot afford ATVs for your whole, 6-person-family unit, then don’t expect that people are going to be like “Oh, 6 running 4-wheelers? The absolute cheapest I’ve been able to find is $400.00. Why would someone give you $2,400 of 4-wheelers for free?

I looked at the other ads by that seller, and it says they are having money issues right now, but they also have ads posted looking for a ‘free camper trailer less than 6 years old’ and ‘free scuba gear and certification lessons’

If you're asking for free things, you can't be picky. If someone offers you a camper trailer that is more than 6 years old, you can't turn up your nose. Beggars can't be choosers.

It kills me. I’ll give you baby supplies, I’ll give you food, I’ll give you used furniture, hell, I’ll even give you a little money, but I’m not going to give you a working ATV because you want one, a camper trailer, or scuba gear.

Seriously, f*ck people, use common sense.

Are there a lot of people like this in your town?

Also, there is a girl sitting in front of me right now wtih headphones on, dancing like a mad man, and singing in a loud whisper. Someone looked at her and she asked if they could hear the song from her headphones. NO, JUST FROM YOUR MOUTH. STOP, WE ARE IN CLASS. THIS IS COLLEGE, NOT JR.HIGH.
April 20th, 2012 at 08:46pm