
It takes a certain sort of girl to induce love, lust and rage in the space of a minute. Unluckily, this is exactly the sort of girl I'm attracted to. A complex person with many different layers, many facades. Of course, this comes with many complications. Many of her problems and her past combine with my own history. I can relate to them much easier this way. The only complication with this is that our problems tend to interfere with our interactions. One minute we'll be happily sat their holding one another. The next we'll be kissing in a fit of lust, then she decides she's a bitch for acting on her impulses. She seems not to understand that these are the relationships I'm most comfortable in, no commitment, since I've never experienced anything more.
However, her pain upsets me and the fact I feel pleasure in being able to manipulate her into a fit of lust makes me feel worse still.
I have no idea how I feel right now and neither does she. We're simply just two whirlwinds of emotion about to collide in a maelstrom of happiness and torment.
April 21st, 2012 at 01:09am