The Contradiction Of Abortion

There is one thing that I feel strongly about, maybe even more strongly than writing, and that is the issue of abortion. To me, it’s murder. It’s not a bunch of tissue or cells or whatever you wanna call it, it’s a tiny human that is no different than you and I. The only difference is that it’s dependent upon the mother to live, but aren’t all babies? You see, if we could prove that the unborn baby was an actual human, then the case against abortion would practically collapse. The only reason people call it a clump of cells is because they don’t want to fact the fact that abortion is wrong. They don’t want to have to deal with a child, and so they use that reasoning to justify what they’re doing, but recently I ran into the a very big contradiction of abortion.

Many may not know of it, but there’s a law in place called Ethen's Law in North Carolina that say that if, for example, a drunk driver hit a woman in a car, and she was pregnant, and she and the unborn baby both died, then the man could be charged on two accounts of murder. Not one, but two. Same with if he killed a pregnant woman. Regardless of if he knew she was pregnant or not, he would be charged on two accounts of murder. Basically: “Under the law, anyone causing the death of an unborn child, except in the case of abortion, can be charged with murder.”

That is such a load of crap! Ok, so if a girl is killed and the baby is too, then it automatically becomes a baby and is considered murder? But if she wants to go and have the baby ripped out of her, then it’s not considered a baby and not considered murder? Come on people, make up your mind! Stop being such hypocrites!

As one person said, “Either the unborn baby is a person under the law or not. One cannot claim both and protect his own integrity.” But I think this person says it best, “Its NOT okay to kill the pre-born baby (then its a baby) when his or her mother is murdered, but its okay to rip apart a baby limb by limb and throw it in the garbage if the mother gives permission (then its NOT a baby)!” Yeah, makes total sense.

Personally, I’m in favor of this bill, but I also think that any killing of an unborn baby should be considered murder, including abortion. Whether someone else causes the death of your baby, or you decide to get an abortion, it’s murder, and people need to realize what a double standard this is.

On an unrelated note, did anyone else know that Roe Vs. Wade was fake? The woman who claimed to be raped and pregnant because of it, was never actually pregnant. These people had to lie in order to get that abortion bill passed. And one more thing, did you know the women who lied about being pregnant actually had a change of heart and became pro-life? She’s now fighting against the abortion bill she helped get legalized. She is now trying to get abortion outlawed. That right there should tell you something.
April 21st, 2012 at 02:29am