I'm singing all by myself on Friday in chorus!(I'm kinda nervous, too.)

So, I found a song for chorus that I really feel the need to sing. Like, I have to sing it. I've sang a few songs for the class, but nothing I've really felt so strongly about singing. The song I'm gonna sing is Make It Stop (September's Children). I want to sing it, because I think it's such a great song, for school. It's absolutely perfect. It has meaning, and it's wonderful.

If you've never heard the song, it's about teen suicides due to bullying. It's actually based off of five teens who committed suicide.

Tyler Clementi ( Age 18)
Billy Lucas ( Age 15)
Harrison Chase Brown( Age 15)
Cody J. Parker ( Age 17)
Seth Walsh ( Age 13)

Like I said, It's a super amazing song. I feel like singing this will be a good thing, seeings as so many kids, even at my school are bullied.

April 24th, 2012 at 12:20am