Writing makes everything better.

Right now, I'm at my computer writing, and eating wildberry and chocolate flavoured frozen yoghurt.

The perfect end to a miserable day.

First day back at school today; and the weather was horrible. Not rainy; I quite like rain. Just this horrible, cold, wet, overcast-ness. The sun only decided to rear its head just as the day ended.

I had crap classes, besides modern history. Physics and math.

I did have a pretty awesome conversation with some friends about Supernatural, and how Dean and Sam are such sexy, tortured souls. And how sexy their car is.

But my day was pretty crap. My boyfriend didn't even show up at school - and I don't know why, because he hasn't spoken to me in about a week. -.-

It doesn't matter though, because writing literally makes everything better. I feel so good when I finish a new chapter.

Oh and this gourmet frozen yoghurt is scrumptious. :D

How's your day been? Got anything for me to read?

Also, would you be open to reading my Supernatural fanfiction? Had to sneak that one in there. ;)
April 24th, 2012 at 08:50am