
Well..Joy Joy joy joyjoy joyjoyjoyjoyjoyjoy..
Fuck that.
All there is, is misery now.

If anyone is a fan of my work or anything, stay tuned to my stuff cuz I'm gonna be writting a couple things.
I'm in a really bad mood so whatever I write is gonna be really gruesome, and if you don't like it.
I'm glad I have this saying,
"Fuck you"
Everyone and everything,
Except my fans <3

Anyway so..I'm upset because the love of my life broke up with me last night..I had like a mental breakdown last night...cried myself to sleep..burned..everything..
Except cutting, fuck that

Last I knew she was talking to some guy called nate...
The bitch was singing to her..
Better hope I don't find him...
I'll make the cunt sing....

I should probably close this journal before it gets any worse........
Cya guys
April 24th, 2012 at 06:22pm