Mr. Sean Patrick Flanery

So, this journal will be added to later, I was originally going to do a segment on Norman Reedus, but plans change so I'll get one about him up at a later date. I just wanted to tell this story to anyone who has something against Mr. Flanery, as well as fans of him. Fans, you'll love him more. Haters, well...I don't care about you guys, only that I hope you like him a little bit for this.

My school, with only 100 kids, has maybe one or two decent kids in each class. The rest of my school parties, drinks, has sex and disrespects their elders. They do drugs, lie, cheat steal and bully others who they feel to be inferior to them. I became president of the student body for next year and desperately want to change the situation.

So I was on Twitter and I cam across a blog written by Mr. Sean Patrick Flanery. Here's the link to the blog, sort of.

It got me thinking, Mr. Flanery would be a damn good motivational speaker. So, hoping but not expecting an answer, I asked him, "Mr. Flanery, would you be willing to be a motivational speaker for my high school?" And with one single word that made me almost fall out of my chair, he answered. "Sure." Now, I thought 'Holy hell, is this really happening?' And the answer, boys and girls, is yes. It is SO happening.

After discussing with my adviser and my fellow student council members further, we decided to ask him first the most pressing question. Before we got too excited, we had to ask: "What amount are you wanting?" Now, I was absolutely terrified by what he'd say. Thinking, you know, he's a big shot actor, he won't be cheap, I was nearly shaking when I clicked the button to read his message. I wanted to do the River-dance as I read his answer. He said:"No charge. Just pay flight & accommodations & make a small donation to charity."

This was the greatest answer I could have gotten. Would I have paid whatever amount he wanted? I would have tried. Am I happy with this answer? Hell yea!

So here's the plan. While the final date is yet to be set, we are looking at October or November so we can build upon what he tells us, we will pay for his flight to either Reno or Las Vegas, whichever he prefers. We will get him a hotel room. I'm thinking the Best Western here in Tonopah, so Mr. Flanery isn't driving an insane amount of hours in one day, but if he wants one in whatever city he flies to, we will arrange that too. After he does his speech or presentation or whatever, we will take him to lunch wherever he wants to go and Student Council will pay for it.

I cannot express to Mr. Flanery how grateful I am to have him do this for us. I hope he is able to reach out to my classmates, as I have been unable to so far. I was extremely nervous to send that first message to him. I was thinking to myself, why would he waste time on someone as insignificant as me? Finally I got the courage to hit send and here we are now. I am so glad I found the courage to do that and I encourage anyone to take a chance like this. As they say, "It's better to regret something you did than to regret something you didn't do." I am so glad I did!

On a closing note, I should explain why I even considered talking to Mr. Flanery in the first place. My counselor gave me a challenge to talk to and get to know three celebrities. My top three?
1. Norman Reedus
2. Sean Patrick Flanery
3. Michael Rooker.
In all fairness, top two are a tie, I can't decide who's more of my favorite. I really would love to contact Mr. Reedus though as well, though I'm even more nervous to talk to him. I have a crush on both Mr. Flanery and Mr. Reedus, but Mr. Reedus scares me more. Not sure why... Anyway, I doubt I'll get the guts to message Mr. Reedus seriously, but this gives me hope and makes me want to try. I can't wait to meet Mr. Flanery! :)

So...I will end it here because I have nothing else to say really. I will be posting another journal entry when Mr. Flanery comes to town. I will also have a report on Mr. Reedus and Mr. Flanery done and hopefully up by Friday.
April 25th, 2012 at 01:10am