Still on the search for a gamertag || I need people to vote please!!

I've been on the search for a new gamertag (xbox) for the last couple of weeks. I just can't seem to find one that I really like. I want one that matches me. One that's me. I feel like the longer I have the one I have now, the longer my ex with think there's a change we're getting back together. There's not.

I was thinking "Chipmunk3738" last night since my old best friend used to call me Chipmunk (even though I don't use it or anything now) and the 3738 are my two favorite hockey players (Patrice Bergeron and Jordan Caron). But today I'm not feeling the Chipmunk part.

So after thinking these are the ones I came up with. Tell me which one you like the best. Please and thank you all. : ]

Happily Never 37
Darkest Hostage
Darkest Spells
Purple illusion
April 25th, 2012 at 01:56am