I am absolutely and entirely content

So today I walked into Science with the biggest smile on my face. I had skipped science like I do every Wens day to go to band. There was nothing special that happened that made me so happy I was just happy, because the past few days have just been great.
Anyway I walked in and my teacher asked me why I was so happy. Then I saw him and light up just a bit more. I couldn't hide my smile and I just ended up walking away with my smile, things have been great.
So let me tell you what has made me so happy and have made the past few days so fantastic. For the longest time I thought this girl was constantly flirting with the boy I like and because of that I thought I wasn't good enough for him and I wouldn't be able to ever have a chance with him. Well now she's dating with other boy and she seems really happy with him. I know that I'm not just going to magically end up with the boy I like but it made me a bit more confident to be able to talk to him, because before I felt like she owned him and I couldn't really talk to him without her interfering. But now I can talk to him with no problem.
So last night I was flipping through my journal, like my real physical one. And I read this journal entry about me making a bet with my friend to stay silent for an entire day. Int short he said something like you can't even talk to me? Which had made me blush and made him blush, and it was just something I remembered to vividly and it was one of those memories that make you feel the same way you did when it happened.
Then yesterday I was talking to him and my other friend about stuff before class, then he was saying how epic it would be to paint my nails saying Riot! like on the paramore album, and he went to grab my hand to show me how and where and then he got nervous and so did I so my hand ended up staying in the air and he ended up pointing here and there. I don't know, he just get's more nervous about touching me than other girls, and he I don't know he tolerates me arguing with him, and he cares what I have to say. I just love being around him. That's enough for me, so when we go out separate ways as of September I'm really going to be leaving my comfort zone.
This entry was mainly for me, but if you have advice about what I should do I wouldn't mind hearing-well reading it :)
April 26th, 2012 at 04:14am