Homeward Bound <3

this is the nicest, sweetest thing anyone has, and most likely ever, will do for me. he told me he was "going on vacation" but suprise! haha literally driven to tears

"ok, so here's the thing..i came out here to cali for the week to look for an apartment. ive been thinking about moving out here since i broke up with my ex and part of the reason i havent been giving my all to anyone or getting too involved is because i didnt want to leave something behind. but as you know, the day i left was the day we spent all night talking to one another. without me even trying too hard in looking, this all kind of just happened. it was almost unintentional. since ive been out here, not only have i not checked out a single place, but i havent researched my job transfer or really had any conversation on the topic of rooming with my friends. the other day they brought it up though and thats when i told them what was up. they were asking where i was at with the whole thing and what my thoughts were and i told them, as much as i love it here i found someone i really enjoy talking to and that i need to see things through. i told them about that first night, i told them how great i think you are...beautiful, funny, down to earth, just really something unique..one of them tried to convince me otherwise by having me take a look around at all the other girls here, but im just simply not interested.
I think we have something here and I am willing to curb the whole move to see exactly what that might be. so instead i got in touch with my boys back at home yesterday and talked to them of the possibility of finding a place together here. i have about 4 of them ready to go and so instead of looking at places here this week, ill be looking into a house back home next week.
anyway, theyre supportive of my decision either way. they told me that they really want me out here but i gotta do what i gotta do and if youre what i say you are, it must be worth it. i know
that it might be crazy hearing it, but youre incredible. its something tthat needs to be seen through.
? ben"
April 26th, 2012 at 07:55pm