I'm too scared to post my life story on here. || Questions.

I just tried it. I typed it up, not all of it, only some, and I couldn't do it. I tried to do it, but I can't. I even put on Rise Against in the background to listen to while I was typing it, hoping it would help, and it did. I just got so shaky, and felt like breaking down. I don't think I'm ever going to post my story anywhere. I would get judged, and thought of so differently. Plus, wouldn't it be considered attention seeking?

I don't know, now I feel attention seeking even mentioning it, and whining about it like I am. I'm sorry.

Anyway, it's the weekend! Do you guys have plans, and stuff? I really don't, but I never do, so it's all cool.

001. Plans for the weekend?
002. Listen to Rise Against?
003. A band that can help you, and has music that makes you feel better?
004. Favorite lyrics?
005. Most recent movie you've seen?
006. Favorite TV show?
007. Any new stories you're working on?
008. Favorite song at the moment?
009. I'm running out of questions. Umm...cats or dogs?
010. Have an awesome day/night/afternoon/morning/etc.

April 28th, 2012 at 12:35am