I just hope one day I can leave far away.

I feel like ending my whole entire life. I just can't deal with this any more.

All this wasted hope and useless emotions... it just makes me think why am I going on?

I think my time is just near.

Hopefully my heart just stops beating in my sleep or something. I'll probably do something.

Fuck it all.

My mom just doesn't give a fuck about me. I never get to see my dad anymore, and he might die soon. All this extreme panic anxiety gives me so much stress on a daily basis.

My right side of my head has been throbbing with pain for the past 4 days. I don't know what to do. I hate everybody at school. Everybody. I just wish I could kill everyone. Or I wish to just be killed. I don't want friends anymore and I don't need them. All I need are my pets. My children. Other than that everyone can fuck off.

I can't believe my 'mom' puts me through this abusive bullshit on purpose. You know, because my life serves no purpose.

She is so fake. No one knows how she truly is...

No one knows how my life really is.
April 28th, 2012 at 05:40am