

I'm trying to make it a habit to make more journals now. I'll try! But I can't promise anything... O well. So tomorrow is my appointment at the gym (yes I finally signed up to a gym, about a week and half ago). It's kind of bittersweet. Bitter being the work you put into it, but sweet because of the accomplishments, and the way you feel after you come out. 'Though my arms felt a little sore yesterday when I came out, heh.

Anyway, I don't really have much to say. Life's kind of slowed down for the most part. At the moment I'm on a wait list for this course I want to take. It's a music business/administration course where you learn about managing an artist, contract signing, organizing tours, and yadda yadda. It sounds really interesting, and music has always been one of my true loves, and I handle well when under pressure... so fingers crossed, but if I don't get into that, I might do some journalism or something.. that's a backup

Speaking of which. I want to present to you Tallulah by Company of Thieves

This is like my second favourite band. This song is Effing amazing, the lead singer Genevieve puts so much energy and her heart and soul into the performance, and the rest of the band is just amazingly talented. Just looking at the video makes me wish I could be there, I mean look at the crowd, everyone looks like they're having a blast.
Anyway, if you don't know Company of Thieves check them out, they are super talented, and deserve so much recognition
May 2nd, 2012 at 07:50am