I Haven't Been Able to Sleep / Free Comments

Hi! I haven't written a journal in a long time... but I've had this huge problem for the past week. I CAN'T SLEEP. And it's not for a lack of trying. Several people have asked me if I've been stressed, and actually I've been under much less stress than usual recently (so I don't think that's the problem). This has happened before, but recently I haven't had proper sleep all week. Every night, I get into bed and just lay there for about three to four hours.

I have tried listening to soothing music, reading, and even drinking hot milk with honey (which a friend recommended). I really don't want to have to take sleeping pills, because I have tried them and they make me really drowsy the next day. I feel like I'm MORE tired during the day when I take them.

In the past couple of days I have only slept about 2 to 3 hours max each night. I don't know what else to try, and I hope that maybe tonight I can get a good night's rest... Any recommendations? I'm hoping I'm worry over nothing, but what do you think?

Also, if you would like for me to comment on one of your stories, please put the story name below and I will comment on them when I have the chance. I'll read pretty much anything, but if it is fan fiction, assume that I don't know the band, etc. I will still read it, but I might ask you some questions. =)

If I don't respond immediately, don't worry. I haven't forgotten. I will comment as soon as I can. Thanks!

May 4th, 2012 at 06:11am