Always No!!!!

It's always fucking no!! Never yes, never maybe, never possibly. ALWAYS FUCKING NO!!!

OK the reason why it sounds like I'm pissed (I'm also fucking sad here with tears) is not I have never been to a fucking concurt and it's fucking killing me here!!!

This is what had happend....I was on MCR's MySpace page and I was looking through the concurts dates and I saw that they are doing a show on the 21st of August in Toronto, so I went on and cheaked my calander to see what day that it is on and I find that it is Tuesday. So that means that my mom can only drive me to Toronto not my dad (he only have free time on the weekends).

So I went downstaris to my mom who was on the laptop and this is what had happened.

Me: Mom, can you drive me to Toronto on the August 21?
Mom: Why?
Me: 'Cause that is when My Chemical Romance is doiong a show over there at the Molson Amphitheatre.
Mom: What day is it on?
Me: Tuesday...Let me guess. No?
Mom: Yep. Big N.O.

Then I walk away going back upstairs saying in my head "You are so fucking unfair."

The thing is...this is the second time I had a chance of seeing MCR live since I became a fan. One with my best friend and this one.

I had zero chances of seeing Green Day.
One Chance of seeing Dead Celebrity Status
Zero chances of seeing Stutterfly

The reason why my mom said no is that she hates driving in Toronto because of the traffic.

Anytime when my favourite bands comes in reach for me to see them I always ask my parents and they say no.

It makes me mad and jelous and sad because almost all of my friends have been a concurt of my favourite bands and I haven't. And then they start talking about how awsome the concurt was and what happened and I have to sit there and listen and say in my head "I could have been there with my friends. Instead of being home watching TV"

It just maked me fucking mad and sad here cause I can't go to a concurt with my friends and see my favourite band preforme and possible get a signature and a pic with them.

There is always four reason that my parents do to see if I can go or not

If any of those don't pass then say bye to the concurt.
July 13th, 2007 at 04:30am