I hate bigots!

Okay, so I'm bisexual. Not, because I think it's cool or because my friends are all bi, I didn't even know myself until I found myself wanting to punch a guy because he was dating a girl that was in a play with me, since then I noticed that I'm equally attracted to men and women.

Anyway, my family, while not hard core catholics, are very against homosexuality and even though I told them about my prefrences, they choose to ignore the fact I like girls and are constantly bashing "gays" around me.

But onto the story...

We have the father of my niece and nephews living with us since he just got out of prision (long story), and I decided not to bring up my sexuality because he's a Jehova's Witness and is REALLY against homosexuals and if he's living here, I don't want to open up that can of worms. So yesterday, we all went to dinner, because my brother Jesse was accepted into the National Honor Society. I don't know how it was brought up, but my mom starts talking about this woman we know that's bisexual, she's telling us how she always dated men then she "chose" to date a woman and is now "choosing" to switch back to men.

Well, I went off on her saying that people don't chose to be gay, they're born that way. Then Billy (the father of my neice and nephews) says "They aren't born that way! God wouldn't instil that into somebody!" To this I replied with different scientific findings and studies they've done and with how common homosexuality is in animals and why wouldn't it be common in humans? And then, I finished off with asking him if he "chose" to be attracted to women.

He said, quite put off since he didn't expect me to blow up like I did. "God wouldn't do that someone."

And then I told him, "Yeah, and that tells you something, doesn't it."


Now, I'm not religious, never have been. It seems like most christians (that I know) take whatever parts of the bible they want and listen to them, while other parts don't have to followed. Then, the entire religion is built on "love" and understanding, but you can't love certain people. Not bashing the religion, if you believe, you believe and that's your choice, I just personally can't stand it, because of the experiences I've had peronally.
May 4th, 2012 at 05:42pm