currently writing a chapter guys <3

hey guys..

yeah you're probably mad. sorry D:

I know I say I'm back and then I'm really not.. but DON'T WORRY. I just got my own personal ipad so I can do a lot of writing from there and not just my household computer (which is hard for me to access.. with my brother being on it ALL THE FREAKIN TIME)

but I've spent the past few days doing more research for Shine, one of the stories I'm writing. Guys, I love writing it. I love all this fantasy stuff okay!!!!

I would love to talk to all of you guys again.. Right now, I'm only conversing with one of my friends on here :-( I'd like to talk to you all again!!!

I'm about 1/4 way done with this next chapter, so expect a post in the next few days! I want it to be perfect because I was rereading some of my old chapters for Shine and some of it is just shit, so I really apologize guys D:

love forever,
May 5th, 2012 at 12:04am