Stand up and fight for yourself !

When you're dealing with bullies.
I have gotten advice from adults that I should ignore what they say.
Well; I'm not deaf, it's kind of hard to ignore the hate .
As much as it kills you in the inside, you must stay strong.
I'm not saying ignore it. It ticks me off when I get told to ignore it actually.
I'm just gonna put in my ear plugs, and just walk past the bully and not think about them talking smack.
Even when you try to ignore it !! You ALREADY know their talking crap, so it defeats the purpose.
I haven't been bullied since the 9th grade..
I'm in 10th grade now, almost a Junior.
I'm being picked on.
By my Boyfriends Ex.
Now listen...
We already know why !
I mean, it's okay to be jealous, but let's not be mean about it.
If I saw my ex with another girl, I'm not gonna go up to her and tell her I hate her.
I don't know her.
But I'm not a bully.. So..?
I respect everyone.
Probably.. I'm the nicest girl ever.
I'm not being conceited.
But you know.
If you're struggling, don't let it get closer to you.
Do something about it.
I have my BF's ex calling me fat and ugly.. And that my BF downgraded.
I have to hear it everyday, from her and her NEW boyfriend.
It really doesn't make sense.
I filed a harassment report on her.
Now I don't hear anything coming out of her mouth.
I did something about it, and so should you!
Don't ever be afraid to stick up for yourself.
At least you're helping yourself.
You know how many people are killing themselves because of it ?
A 6th grade boy commited suicide in my city, a couple days ago because of low people.
Insecurities of hating on other people, when they really hate themselves, so they pick on other people to make themselves feel better.
Let's not stoop to their level !
Stand up for yourself.
Do something about it.
But don't hesitate to come to me if you need someone to talk to.
Consider me as your own personal guidance counselor.
May 5th, 2012 at 01:22am