Contests Dance to Being Green, Dressing Up, and Avoiding Creepers.

Hello there fellow mibbians!

How are you today? [pause for response] I'm good, thank you!

So, this is my first post in a LONG time. I've kind of abandoned just about all of my stories, mostly because I haven't had any really good inspiration for them, I'm too lazy/busy, and I'm easily distracted by other story ideas or books I'm reading. Being a writer is tough, especially when your head keeps jumping from idea to idea.

I recently sent in a short story for a legit. contest (my first one EVER!). First place is 2,000$ and your story gets published in their journal thing. I'm super excited and also nervous. I really hope that I at least place, but the money of first or second (which is 1,000$) would be nice also. I'm trying to start saving up for college.

My group and I (me and two of my friends) were also chosen by my dance teacher to perform a dance we choreographed at Solo&Ensemble. If you are in any kind of music, I'm going to assume you know what I mean. If you aren't, I'll explain. Basically, we perform in front of some judges and they critic us, rate us, and give us feedback on how well we did. It was held at a performing arts high school where I live. I was super nervous, and I honestly don't think I ddi very well. I accidentally made eye contact with one of the judges while dancing (which psyched me out) and I got blood on their marley(sp) (it's a really expensive kind of mat thing that we dance on) because right before my group went of, I sliced my toe open and while dancing my ghetto bandaid (paper towel taped to my toe with masking tape) fell off. They couldn't find real bandaids to give me until after we performed. She (my dance teacher) hasn't given us our scores yet. I'm pretty sure she got them and then promptly forgot because we have a show this week (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday @7) and the stress is getting to her a little bit. I don't blame her.

This journal entry is partly because I haven't written in a while, and mostly because I'm procrastinating. I have to write a research paper for my Chemistry class. I've already written one research paper this year (for my english class, on WIlliam Butler Yeats, AKA the most interesting person I have EVER done a report on. He's more interesting that E.A. Poe) and I am so not looking foreword to it. My topic is Green Chemistry, which is basically all these methods and stuff scientists are trying to come up with to reduce waste and the chemicals in the atmosphere and to make everything safer for people and animals and the world and stuff. It's a pretty broad subject, and doing a paper on a topic rather than a person is MUCH harder. Luckily, I already put together a rough outline of what I want my essay to be about. Now, I just have to look up all of the information, find some quotes (parenthetical citations), and write it.

It's due Friday (last day of our show) and I KNOW I won't have time to write it next week. I have rehearsals on Monday and Tuesday until like 4:15 and then a call time of 6 on the show days and won't get home until probably like 9. Usually, I do homework during the show (backstage, in my class' "dressing room" which this year, for my class, is the old Choir room and new Color Guard room because my school is stupid and got rid of Choir this year), but a couple of my friends and I were chosen to run backstage this year and I won't have time. Usually the Theater Techs run backstage, but there's always a crap ton of drama (some dancers don't respect the techies and the techies do't respect the dancers and blahbety blah blah). My dance teacher said that she thinks if other dancers (who are also performing) are running things backstage then there would be less drama. Ya know, understanding the stress and being in the same field of study and stuff. I guess we'll see how THAT'S going to turn out.

I also had this idea to promote the show (that I told to my friends) where we dress up nicely every day and wear a part of one of our costumes next week. People will ask why we're wearing that item and we'll be like "come to the show and you'll find out". And on opening night, we'll wear another part of our costume to school that is more obvious than the first item. They're not like shirts or anything, more like a kind of accessory I guess. Sorry, I already gave away a lot and I don't really want you guys to know where I live :p.

Speaking of where I live, I was at the library and this adult passed me a note that said "How about you give me a call when you're 18" with his phone number. He was very creepy looking, and that just confirmed it. I just kind of awkwardly said "how about a rain check on that one" and tore it up when he was gone. Thinking about it now, I wish I had told him I was a lesbian.

Anyways, on to research! Have a wonderful day you loverly ladies and gentlemen.

May 5th, 2012 at 08:49pm