Virgintiy and Shizzle.

So, yeah. Recently i've been feeling quite uncomfortable witht he whole idea of "sex". Like many people in ym school have done it and I just think...."Wait a second. How old are we again? Fifteen or sixteen? As if there is any need for it right now, there are bigger things to worry about and focus on. Get me?"

I've already told people that im staying avirgin for a few more years yet. I'm fifteen and i'm not even ready yet, y'know? Why be pressured?

My friend (boy) has had sex with 70-ish people already adn he is sixteen. I find it ridiculous! He keep's condom's on him all the time just incase he get's a chance while he's about. I just sigh. It's wrong in my opinion. I don't hate anyone for it just think it's ridiculous. He's known to be a cheat and he is one of my best friends but surely "70" is ridiculous?!

I always laugh and chuckle to myself thinking about the subject. Like, wouldn't i be embarrassing screaming loudly? XD Or if you look a little defformed in place! X'D

Ahhh, people these days.

Leave your opinions and experiences. It would make me feel better :') Thank you lovelies!

~ Georgia xoxox

P.s, Check out my story "Jesse the vampire" if you like vampires, romance and shizzle! :'D Thanks guys! :}
May 6th, 2012 at 08:48pm