
Death exists everywhere. It looms over you every time you step into a car, every time you walk home at night, every time you take a breath. it holds your hand, guides you away from all of the stupid decisions, yet, every second you live, it scrapes a bit of your mortality off of your very body. For with every happy memory, every smile, every hug and kiss, death waits patiently in the corner. Morphing into the shape of the shadows just to watch you with cold blank eyes.

Nothing can escape. though you can run. Whatever mark you leave upon the world, will one day, no matter how great, will be forgotten. Then what will you have lived for? Maybe with this knowledge you will realize the ridiculousness of your action- but i doubt it. Death will make you do that. He will take your hand once youve passed, and he will show you all your family, friends, and people you looked up to will slowly rot away into nothingness.

You will not be able to look away.

At this point hopefully your soul itself shall realize it's self inflicted wounds. He will then ask you "What did you live for?", and you will have no answer. Yuo will just sit their, in a puddle of your own blood and tears, remembering the days of your life when all seemed good, you had no worries. But they will be gone, and you will never be able to get them back.

Death is the only constant in our world. A clock ticks only to remind you of death's coming.

:) i hope i reminded everyone of their own mortality.
May 7th, 2012 at 03:27am