Why, Hello There Again, Mibba / Travelling/ New Friends

Yup. It's been a while. Four months to be exact. But hey, my life went from blah to one hell of a rollercoaster ride. A fun rollercoaster ride, one where you have the STOP button available, but you choose not to hit it.

For me, that is what it is like living on my own. All of a sudden, people want me. Parties, new friends, work, new interests, everything all tied up in one bundle. That's not the only reason why I haven't been on Mibba, As of early this year, my old but faithful computer took it's last breath. So I had no way to get on to Mibba, unfortunately.

But I'm not too bothered by it! I was able to get out there and earn myself a social life. Thankfully, I'm back to writing :)

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*le travelling* In the next two years, I want to succeed my goal and move down further on the west coast to California. No reason exactly. Possibly school. Mostly, just want to...I don't know. I don't want to be any ole actress, or model, or superstar. So no, I'm not going there to make my dream come true. I'm just...going there.

What I want to know is, what is L.A. really like? That's where I want to head down to...or close to. Maybe not so much in the city. Any ideal towns/cities nearby? I could research this, but I'd rather hear any random Cali info from you guys :D

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*le friend* I'm bored, and lonely. I would love it if you guys started up a convo with me. I adore making new friends :)

May 8th, 2012 at 03:13am