Journal #3

Before I start talking about my boring day, I wold like to share a quote that made me giggle today. It's from Assassin's Creed Revelations.

Sofia: Do you know him?
Ezio: Si, he was engaged to my sister many years ago.
Sofia: What happened?
Ezio: His d*ck was engaged to six others.

I have no idea why I found it funny, but I did.

Anyway, today was like every other day. I woke up, played some video games (well just one but still.) At the moment I've been working on the "fond memories" achievement, which is to get 100% synchronization in all the sequences. I believe I'm more than half way there.

Oh! I made myself a layout. It's not that great, hopefully I'll find someone that can make me a good one soon. But I did make it myself (with the help of one of the threads under the "profile" topic.).

I don't think I did too bad with the eating today, though I say that everyday. All together I had 2 hot pockets, Mac and Cheese, and some teddy grahams. And lots of water. Though I didn't eat a h*ll of a lot, it stinks that all I ate are bad for me... Oh well...

I didn't get to go to the gym today since my mom had a doctor's appointment and didn't feel like going. Hopefully once I get a job and can pay for my own membership, we'll start to go more since than I'll be able to do some classes. I really want to try kickboxing since I've done it on a few video games (UFC trainer for kinect and YouShape 2012) and I loved it. So yeah, I guess that's about it.

Oh, I almost forgot. I wrote a little today. Not a huge amount (about half a page) but it's better than nothing. Well I'm going to finish playing my Assassin's Creed (it's paused at the moment), and then going to bed.

Goodnight everyone. : ]
May 9th, 2012 at 03:33am