I had the weirdest dream last night.

The world's population had disappeared. My mom, dad, and brother were the only ones still in existence. Everyone left had turned into cannibals. It was spooky.

For some reason, my mom had gone into shock and was losing her mind. She talking all of this Gibberish, staring off into space, and not making any sense. IT SCARED THE POOP OUT OF ME.

Then, in another scene that I remember, my dad and I had come onto this house and he decided to go in. Being the impatient person I am, I decided to check out the back. When I did, I found these guys with guns. They said nothing and just started to close in on me. I ran and went back to the front of the house, where I yelled for my dad. He came out and shot them and they died. I took their weapons, lol.

I woke up breathing deeply in a cold sweat. When I turned over on my side, I was breathing so hard! It's like I had been running a marathon or something. That had never happened before.

What made the dream even weirder was that I saw my mom today. I usually never see her during the week due to the divorce. I didn't get a chance to mention the dream, though. I should have. It would have been an interesting conversation.

What a day.
May 9th, 2012 at 03:50am