update on my life

Its pretty bad right now
My mom is pretty mentally disturbed and so am I
She also doesn't provide me with stuff I need and thats really hard to deal with and I deal with it in some unhealthy ways but, I get no help from her
I don't understand it
I know it would be hard taking care of a teen with as many issues as I have so, I guess she chooses just not to take care of me
Atleast I know she loves me though,my mom does love me
And she is not as judgemental as alot of peoples parents are and doesn't make me go to school
I really miss Memaw and Papa
I miss Kaitlin
I miss alot of people
I'm still helping Ms.Kay with Mr.Cary, I love them so much
I sometimes think I'm going to go completely insane
There's alot of other things going on too I am not gonna go into
I'm going to Brittany's Sweet 16 Saturday night
That will be nice
I'm taking my mom to get a hair cut and go to waffle house Sunday
May 11th, 2012 at 01:54am