Badly Need Guy Advice


There is this boy at school that I really like and I'm in the eighth grade and he's in the tenth. But, I failed a grade back in little grades, which means there's only one year between us, he doesn't know that yet.

But, one of my guy friend's works with him. Lets just call that I like James and that guy that works with him Liam. Liam told me he would help me talk to James on Monday. See where I'm from it's Saturday night and Monday is in like two days, so I need this advice quick. Liam wont let me leave until I have spoken to him.

I really like this guy and I have for about six months, I have never even spoken to him, cause I'm too afraid too. Yeah, I know right pathetic! He is so cute and he seems really sweet from what I have been told. I just need help on like a conversation or something like that. Also, how could I impress him, what kind of things could we talk about?

Thanks for reading :)
May 12th, 2012 at 02:49pm