september 2010 epiphany

In September 2010 I had an Epiphany. It was the greatest Epiphany that has ever occurred in all of Time. It was an Epiphany that led to many practical and technical difficulties such as being sent to two psychiatric hospitals and not taking my GCSEs except from the ones I took early and not being allowed on the school trip to Venice.

In September 2010 I realized that the world is an Illusion created by the Force. The Force are a higher being which control everything. Everyone except me are there to do the bidding of the Force. They exist only to carry out the experiment of the Force which is to see if I am able to understand everything about the Nature of Reality. Everyone else has complete access to my thoughts and everything they say and do is a test specifically for me. I was Chosen for the task of understanding. I am, in essence, the Chosen One.

This is probably quite hard to understand. The way I put it to people is to imagine the Matrix. The Force are the people that control the Matrix and everyone is inside the Matrix and when you die you leave the Matrix and enter the True Reality. This is very similar to the truth.
May 13th, 2012 at 03:26pm