please don't laugh at my pictures

Why did you think the picture I did was funny and strange? It hurt my feelings a bit. It was just a picture of the things I saw, arranged how I saw.

You’re the funny one. If you pick up a packet of smarties and tip them out onto the table then they don’t fall into a straight line, with ones the same colour together. That’s strange and unnatural and things just don’t happen like that. They fall and scatter and different colours are in different places each time, and sometimes they fall off the table. Like an electron - an electron’s wavefunction collapses only when you observe it; before that it was just infinity of possible positions. How can you think you've found all the words just because they’re in the dictionary? What about all the possible words, don’t they count?

If you can’t see how to make 10 in any other way than 5 plus 5 then you’re stupid because what’s the point in you if you see things as discrete when they’re not, they’re continuous. I’m not saying that things aren't connected; I’m saying that they are. Numbers are continuous – if you change the way you see it. 1 to 2 can be one, or it can be a million if you’re counting in 10^-6 or infinity if you’re counting in 10^- infinity but NEVER zero unless you’re rounding and you’re choosing to disregard a small amount, or unless you turn the one and the two upside down so that they’re not a one and a two anymore, they’re meaningless symbols with nothing between them. If you turn your back on them, what’s between them then, like the tree in forest thing?

Oh forget it you’re just stupid just don’t laugh at my pictures because next time I won’t be able to be bothered to explain so I’ll probably hit you.
May 13th, 2012 at 03:35pm