Toni Stark, other things, and mother's day; what fun.

So, I've gotten a whole four parts done on 'Toni Stark'; which is fantastic for me. I usually write little one bit blurpy short stories. But for some reason the ideas are flowing with this one. Which is great. I pretty much keep updating it and just smiling my head off. Thinking,"this is great, this is great, i'm so proud of myself."

Oh and thank you so much to all the fantastically awesome people who've commented, keep it up, guys! I love you all so much, but in a totally acceptable author-to-reader type way. Umm, yea, awesome. Anyone who has commented on my story and would like me to comment on something of theirs just let me know. I will make it so. (Wow, rhyme, facepalm).

Also, it's mother's day. Happy Mother's day to anyone who's a totally cool mom. Unfortunately, I get to spend the day with my mom, at least it's raining so we can't garden. Uck.

On a side note, Friday, I got my septum pierced (the bit on your nose between your nostrils) by my friend. And it looks so cute, greatest part though is I can hide it. My mum has no idea I have it. So that's fun.

Am I the only one who reads a story in the character's voice? Cuz, when I'm writing I have Robert Downey Jr. narrating all of Tony's lines, etc. I also do that when reading. Loki's talking? Tom Hiddleson. Frank Iero fic? I hear Frankie. Yep, I'm weird. The greatest times are when my internal monologue is narrated by any actor that I love. Thursday it was Eddie Izzard, Friday it was Robert Downey Jr, Today feels like a Chris Evans sort of day.
May 13th, 2012 at 03:42pm