Why Tony Stark is my best friend, and AMC's THE WALKING DEAD

So, many of the comments on both of my stories have been about how well I've been able to portray Tony Stark's sarcastic, arrogant, and narcissistic attitude. And there is one reason for that. It's because I was raised in a similar yet completely different way from Tony that has allowed me to become just as sarcastic, arrogant, and narcissistic, a bastard as he is.

My parents much like Tony's never thought I was good enough, I never had support from them. And they were drunk often. However, the main rift between me and Tony is he was rich and his potential, though unappreciated was expanded. I was brought up in house lacking money and with three siblings. My potential was left to wither and depression has killed most of my self-motivation.

But what I'm saying here is the Tony in my stories means so much to me, and your comments about how awesome and on-point his character is mean so much to me because I put so much of myself into him. Tony Stark is a significant part of me and a personal hero.

Also, I am completely infatuated with AMC's THE WALKING DEAD, and I'll be working on a Daryl Dixon fic soon. If you didn't realise, my little avatar pic is Norman Reedus (Daryl) drinking Starbucks. Fuck Yea. Ok, that is all.

much love,
May 13th, 2012 at 06:39pm