Free story banners, wheee.

I am rather bored at the moment and I'm trying out new things on Photoshop. I don't like doing edits without a goal in mind, however, so I'm offering banners for the Mibbian community. I can't say how good they're going to be, as I'm newish to photo-manipulation, but I can certainly promise to put my every effort into making them beautiful.

If you want one, drop a comment! Information I need is below, or you could just describe what it is you want! The more specific you are, the better banner I can create.

Name of story:
Author's name:
Text or quote you want:
Colour scheme:
Mood , genre of story:
People on the banner (bands, models, actresses, etc):
Other objects:

May 14th, 2012 at 03:36am